Planet Friendly

Reduce your carbon footprint with every bite!

Funky pies aims to address the way fast food impacts on the environment, you, the generation after you and so on and so on.

When you decide which pie is your favourite, and hence can’t stop buying it, you can continue to munch away knowing that with every bite you will be reducing your carbon footprint by a whopping 90%!

our philosophy

We’re trying hard to do things in the most ecologically sound way – we’re not interested in ripping off the planet to make a buck!
When you support us, you too will be supporting this philosophy


Ethical Uniforms
All our staff uniforms are sweat-shop free

We believe that people should not be ripped off, so we ensure all our staff uniforms are made in sweat-shop free factories. Such a simple choice makes a huge difference to the lives of garment industry workers who may otherwise be (literally) working like slaves.

Bio Packaging
We use biodegradable packaging

We use biodegradable packaging in all our take away products and were one of the first companies in Australia to use biodegradable coffee lids.
Our frozen pie packaging is biodegradable under industrial composting conditions (so when you cannot access this we do advise putting in your general waste – but if you try composting these at home we’d love to hear about it!)

Choosing Organic & Fair
Our coffee is organic and fair trade

Our coffee is organic and fair trade, to ensure farmers get a ‘fair go’ too. All of the juices we stock are certified organic and we’ve used a few organic ingredients in our pies (our No Wurry Curry Pie has the most).

All of our food (café & shop) is vegan

We love choosing kindness and offering some awesome vegan food. This does great for the animals and the planet – & it makes you feel good too!


Supporting Good Causes
We support ethical charities, causes & events

We contribute pies and profits in support of several caring causes:

Responsible Runners

We give them a free pie every Sunday after they’ve cleaned up Bondi Beach

OZ Harvest

We donate our end of day pies

Past Support –  We loved being a part of the Sydney Cruelty Free Festival (2005-2018)

So go on – order your pies and stock up on some good karma…